Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) is the most commonly specified material in the industry which is not dangerous for human and environment because it is not including heavy metal etc. Our products use for waterproofing. There are three types of pvc geomembran for using different zones and applications such as pools, tunnels, roof, foundations, sun-soaked etc. Ankay pvc geomembrans has been manufactured Signal layer pvc geomembran , UV resistant pvc geomembran and antibacterial pvc geomembran since 1995
Signal layer pvc geomembrane which has two different colors on each side as a result of it is generally used in tunnel , subway etc.so that ıt can show easily whereas it has any kind of demages or defects on the light colored which is generally yellow or grey surface of geomembrane in order to the damage could easily be repaired by construction workers despite the fact that it has preferred mostly also it is increased elongation and tensile strength. Width size is 2.10m. Length size is depend on what size customer need it like 20 m 25 m 30 m etc. Thickness size could be 1.5 mm 2 mm 3 mm 4mm and 5mm.
UV resistant pvc geomembran is made with UV sun ray resistant it is similar to signal layer despite there is a different thing that it is added with UV therefore it could be resisted to sun rays for ages. İt is manufactured in black , grey , yellow, blue etc. Width size is 2.10m. Length size is depend on what size customer need it like 20 m 25 m 30 m etc. Thickness size could be 1.5 mm 2 mm 3 mm 4mm and 5mm.
Antibacterial pvc geomembran is made to protect bacterials for water reservoirs. İt is including special nanotech additives therefore it provide to avoid bacterial growth in where is made . it is same sizes with other geomembrans it is generally manufactured in blue org rey colour.
-Typical Applications For PVC GEOMEMBRAN
-Product Features
Colour: Signal layer (black/yellow..Grey/Black..Blue/Black..Green/Black..White/black etc.)
width-length of roll : width: 2,1m .. length:it is availabe between 20 and 35 mt (it is an optional what customers need)
THİCKNESS | TS EN 1849-2 | mm | 1.0 -1,20 -1,5 -1,8 -2,0 -2,5 -3,0 ( + 0,05mm) | |
WİDTH | TS EN 1848-2 | m | 2,1 ( + 0.5cm) | |
LENGHT | TS EN 1848-2 | m | 20( + 5cm) optional increase | |
MASS PER UNİT AREA | TS EN 1849-2 | gr/cm³ | 1,35gr/cm³ x thickness ( + %1) | |
STRAİGHTNESS | TS EN 1848-2 | mm | 20 mt for 10mm | |
VİSİBLE DEFECT | TS EN 1850-2 | must not defect | there is not defect | |
TENSİLE PROPERTİE | TS EN 12311-2 | % | ≥ 250 | |
TENSİLE PROPERTİE | TS EN 12311-2 | N/mm² | ≥17 | |
RESİSTANT TO TEAR | TS EN 12310-1 | N | >250 | |
RESİSTANCE TO İMPACT | TS EN 12691 | mm | >1000 | |
RESİSTANCE FOR WELDİNG PLACE | TS EN 12317-2 | N/50mm | >1100 | |
REACTİON TO FİRE | TS EN 13501-1 | E Sınıfı | E CLASS | |
WATER TİGHTNESS | TS EN 1928 | Bar | 5-20 bar size | |
DURABİLİTİY OF WATERTİGHTNESS FOR AGES | TS EN 1296-1928 | kPa | 2kPa-60kPa watertightness | |
WATERTİGHTNESS AS CHEMİCAL | TS EN 1847-1928 | Bar | 8Bar | |
WATER VAPOUR TRANSMİSSİON | TS EN 1931 | µ | 25000 + 7000 | |
WEATHER RESİSTANTS | TS EN 495-5 | C° | -25C---- +90C not breaking | |
PROOFING FOR PLANT ROOT | TS EN 13948 | competent | competent | |
BİTUMEN COMPATİBİLİTY | TS EN 1548-1928 | incompatible | incompatible |
Colour: Signal layer (black/yellow..Grey/Black..Blue/Black..Green/Black..White/black etc.)
width-length of roll : width: 2,1m .. length:it is availabe between 20 and 35 mt (it is an optional what customers need)
Kalınlık | minimum Şartname değeri | DIN 53370 | 1,0-1,2-1,5-1,8-2,0-2,5-3,0mm |
Çekme Dayanımı(Enine-Boyuna) | 15 N/mm² ,minimum | DIN 53455 | 16-18N/mm² |
Kopma Uzaması(Enine-Boyuna) | % 250 ,minimum | DIN 53455 | %270-%330 |
Basınç Dayanımı ,%20 birim uzamada | 2.5 N/mm² ,minimum | DIN 53454 | 3.5N/mm² |
Yırtılma Yayılması Dayanımı | 100 N/mm ,minimum | DIN 53363 | 140N/mm |
Su Basıncı Altında Dayanım | 10 bar'da 10 saat süreyle geçirimsiz | DIN 16726 | 13 Barda geçirimsiz |
Kaynaklı Ek'in Dayanımı | 13.5 N/mm² ,minimum | DIN 16726 | 14N/mm² |
Hızlı Yaşlanmadan Sonra Boyutsal Stabilite | ± % 2 ,maksimum | DIN 16726 | +- %1.5 |
80 °C'de Depolama Sırasında ve Sonrasında Malzeme Özellikleri: | DIN 16726 | ||
a-) Genel Görünüm | Kabarcık olmayacak | Kabarcık Yoktur | |
b-) Boyutsal Stabilite , boyuna ve enine | < - % 3 | < %2 | |
c-) Çekme Dayanımında Değişim, boyuna ve enine | < ± % 20 | <+ - %15 | |
d-) Birim Uzamada Değişim Kopmada, boyuna ve enine | < ± % 20 | <+ - %15 | |
e-) Katlanma,-20 °C sıcaklıkta | Çatlak olmayacak | Çatlak Yoktur | |
Asit ve/veya alkalin eriyiklerde depolandıktan sonra davranışları | DIN 16726 | ||
a-) Çekme Dayanımında Değişim, boyuna ve enine | < ± % 20 | <+ - %15 | |
b-) Birim Uzamada Değişim | < ± % 20 | <+ - %15 | |
c-) Katlanma,-20 °C sıcaklıkta | Çatlak olmayacak | Çatlak Yoktur | |
Zımbalanma Testi Sırasındaki Davranışı | 750 mm yüksekliğinde zımbalanma olmayacak | DIN 50014 | Zımbalanma yok |
Su Emme | max. %1 | DIN 53495 | % 0,05 |